Sunday School

Sunday School starts at 9:30 a.m.

There are classes for every level and nursery available for parents with children under 3.

Children are able to start Sunday school in our twos and threes class on a rolling admission as soon as they turn two. They are just learning how to interact in the classroom with a teacher and other students.

Pre-K and kindergarten is focused on teaching the scriptures through stories, songs and pictures.

The Early Primary class is first and second grade and teaches truth through the storytelling of the Bible.

The Middle Primary class is third and fourth grade where we begin to see more focus on application of the scriptures to the lives of the children.

The Older Primary class is for fifth and sixth grade where the students receive a more and more full orbed view of the Bible and the Savior.

The Junior High class is seventh and eight grade and teaches through the Westminster Shorter Catechism in two years. The children are encouraged but not required to memorize the catechism, but the focus of the class is helping the students grasp the concepts presented.

The High School class is ninth through twelfth grade and focuses on developing a biblical worldview with the students and discussing many of the issues and concerns of the day.

There are usually two or three different Adult Sunday School classes going at any given time. There is a New Members and Inquirer's class for those new to the gospel, to the reformed faith and to our church, which covers the basics in the history and theology. There are also two other adult classes (one in the summer): one is usually teaching through a book of the Bible and the other teaches on a broader theological topic or perhaps a practical counseling issue.